W7M vs Faze Clan: One of the Greatest SI Finals Match in History of Siege


The final match of the Faze Clan vs W7M on SI 2024 is considered one of the greatest comebacks not in SI, but in Siege's history. 

Not only they've wrecked almost everyone in the lower bracket. Virtus.pro, G2, Soniqs, Spacestation Gaming. All of these pros are either wiped by a 2-0, or a 2-1.

And they said that it is the start of something interesting. Because W7M is setting a new dynasty here in Siege Esports. Rainbow Six: Siege is back in shape.

Faze is already in the lead in Game 5 with 6-0, but W7M persevered on defending, making the game tied at infinite overtime: 6-6. 

And the impossible happen. 2 rounds of them completely winning the game, and winning the trophy.

The complete highlight of this winning moment is the brothers who are on the different team, and they've hugged each other; not just for sportsmanship, but as a brother.

Siege Invitational is not just for trophies and how you're good at the game. It is about the community joining together, that we've all known and loved for the past 9 years. The friendship, even the toxicity that we've faced; is shaped by how Siege is played. The most unique tactical shooter I and even you have ever seen.

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